Deserted Web sites

Don't you agree that many Syrian web sites are deserted? I mean these web sites are either not updated for a very long time or they are not visited at all. I think it is because of the aimlessness and the unclear purpose of these sites in the first place and the unprofessional nature of those who are maintaining these sites in the second. I am not only talking about the personal websites but also the official web sites of the government. I am sure there are many reasons for that and hope there would be a research study to identify the causes of that like the absence of usefulness of these sites. For example, the web site of the Interior Ministry is useless though it can be very useful to all citizens. A lot of examples can be mentioned here like all the educational websites (universities & schools & institutes) , economic web sites, SAA website, and many others. What do you think? To be frank there are many problems with the Syrian websites like repetion and the absence of creativity in most of them. since it is only matter of cut and paste the web site owner would find it an easy way to fill the pages. Despite the fact that the resource is usually mentioned, it remains an issue of the real purpose of the web site. Of course, this is another idea that is worthy noting and invsetigation. I think a personal web page can have an important place on the net and a lot of visitors if there is a clear purpose for it. For instance, I have tried hard to find a Syrian web page that provides spcialised information about building a perosnal web page or protecting PCs from viruses etc... execpt some random information here and there.


these are two points which are important to think of Regards Sharshabeel


إضافة تعليق جديد

لا يسمح باستخدام الأحرف الانكليزية في اسم المستخدم. استخدم اسم مستخدم بالعربية

محتويات هذا الحقل سرية ولن تظهر للآخرين.

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دعوة للمشاركة

موقع الأيهم صالح يرحب بالمشاركات والتعليقات ويدعو القراء الراغبين بالمشاركة إلى فتح حساب في الموقع أو تسجيل الدخول إلى حسابهم. المزيد من المعلومات متاح في صفحة المجتمع.